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ImgAdaptiveThresholdBackTrack (intImageHandle, intLocalWidth,intLocalHeight, intLocalContrast, intBrightness)




Converts a grayscale image applying dynamic thresholding based on background tracking algo. Each pixel in not homogeneous areas its it's binarized using the local threshold computed automatically using background tracking system. The process can be customized selecting local windows size, local contrast and global brightness.




intImageHandle: integer value corresponding to the image handle.


intLocalWidth: value specifying window width.


intLocalHeight: value specifying window height.


intLocalContrast: reference value for evaluating homogeneous area, between 0 and 255. Use -1 to allow auto-calculation of the best value for the image.


intBrightness: global brightness of resulting image, between 0 and 255. A low value produces a darker images, an high value produces a lighter image. Use -1 to allow auto-calculation of the best value for the image.



Returned value






// Applies dynamic thresholding minmax
