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intWidth:=ImgDrawBarcode(intImageHandle,intX, intY, intHeight, intModulus, strData)




Draw a Code39 standard barcode in specified position encoding passed data.




intImageHandle: integer value corresponding to the image handle.


intX: integer value, the pixel position from left side where to place the barcode


intY: integer value, the pixel position from top side where to place the barcode


intHeight: integer value, the height of barcode in pixels (the width is auto-calculated according to data content)


intModulus: integer value, the barcode modulus, the width in pixel of small bars.


strData: string value, the data to be codified in the barcode.


Returned value


Integer value, the barcode width in pixels including bars and quite right and left space.




The barcode standard used is Code39. It allows encoding of digits, uppercase letters and some symbols: +  -  $  /  %  . space

Also the checksum is calculated and codified.




// Draw a barcode on image

ImgDrawBarCode(_CurrentImage, 10, 10, 50, 4, 'TEST 123');