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ImgDrawText(intImageHandle,intX, intY, strFont, intHeight, intAttributes, intAngle, intColor, strText)




Draw specified text on your image at the specified location, in the specified font, font height, font style, color and angle.




intImageHandle: integer value corresponding to the image handle.


intX: integer value, the position from left side where to write the text


intY: integer value, the position from top side where to write the text


strFont: string value, the font name to use


intHeight: integer value, the font height in pixel


intAttributes: integer value, the font attributes combined in OR. Available attributes are 1=bold 2=italic 4=underline 8=strikeout


intColor: integer value, the text color value


intAngle: integer value, the text orientation angle, in 10th of degree, from 0 to 3599.


strText: string value, the text to write


Returned value










// Draw a stamp on top left corner using courier font bold rotated by 45°

ImgDrawText(_CurrentImage, 50, 200, 'Courier New', 48, 1, 450, 0, 'V O I D !');